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Healthcare in Cyprus

The level of medicine in Cyprus is very high. This is because all the doctors of different medical profiles are regularly trained abroad in the best clinics in the UK, Germany, English, German and even Russian languages. The quality of medical care is constantly improving, and is provided by both public and private clinics. The national health service of Cyprus provides effective medical care. Hospitals have the most modern medical equipment. In each of them there are departments: emergency, maternity, orthopedic, radiographic, therapeutic, pharmaceutical and surgical. In major cities you can get specialized help.

In Cyprus widespread medical card, which you can get medical care in public hospitals - inpatient and outpatient treatment, medications and certain types of surgery. Such maps can be displayed not on one person but the whole family.

Three types of medical records:

The first type of free medical services (pink card)

This card gives the right to completely free medical care in state institutions. You are entitled to receive it if:

✔ You reside in Cyprus and can provide written evidence of medical insurance at home - thus You are subject to a bilateral agreement between Cyprus and Russia.

✔ Your annual gross income (including pensions) does not exceed €15.000 per person (€30.000 for a married couple). In the presence of a dependent child, this amount is increased by €1700.

✔ You have four or more children.

✔ You are retired and Your income is up to €500 per month.

✔ You live on state benefits.

✔ Are you a government employee.

The right to free medical care does not apply to cases when the condition of the patient undergoing treatment is the result of circumstances requiring monetary compensation from third parties - for example, when it comes to injuries received in a traffic accident. In this case, the treatment is paid for, and then this amount is compensated by the person obliged to pay damages.

The second type of medical services at a reduced price (map in blue)

On this map you can get partially subsidized medical services at public institutions. You are entitled to receive it if:

✔ Your total annual income (including pension) ranges from €15,000 to €20.000, and You don't have dependents (such as spouses or children under the age of 18)

✔ Annual income of Your household does not exceed €38.000 (in the presence of a dependent child, this amount is increased by €1700)

The third type of medical services at reduced prices (yellow card)

Medical card includes the holder's name, names of family members, the validity of the card and its serial number and the ID number of the owner.

How to get a medical card?

You just need to fill up the form E121 and submit supporting documents.
More information can be found on the website of the Ministry of health of Cyprus: http://www.moh.gov.cy.

Private health insurance

In Cyprus there is a public system of private insurance, providing high quality private medical services. The insurance policy You pick and choose according to individual needs and financial capabilities. The insurance may cover outpatient counseling, medication, inpatient treatment in a hospital or clinic of Your choice, and the services of a home nurse. The cost of insurance depends on insurance coverage. Tour is free emergency medical care in the emergency departments of public hospitals and other medical institutions. Inpatient and outpatient treatment is provided for a fee. Before visiting the country it is best to take out health insurance. To call an ambulance or doctor will help you at the hotel reception.

Foreigners — EU citizens who relocate to Cyprus, participated in the social insurance programs at home are also entitled to free public medicine within a certain time interval.

The treatment is carried out at public hospitals.

Emergency care is free for all.